Results for 'Igorʹ Andreevich Lavrov'

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  1. Zadachi po logike.Igorʹ Andreevich Lavrov - 1970 - Edited by Maksimova, Larisa Lʹvovna & [From Old Catalog].
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  2. Logika i algoritmy.Igorʹ Andreevich Lavrov - 1970
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    Signal.Igorʹ Andreevich Poletaev - 1958
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  4. (1 other version)Problems in Set Theory, Mathematical Logic and the Theory of Algorithms.Igor Lavrov, Larisa Maksimova & Giovanna Corsi - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (3):409-410.
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    Review of Epidural Spinal Cord Stimulation for Augmenting Cough after Spinal Cord Injury. [REVIEW]Jan T. Hachmann, Jonathan S. Calvert, Peter J. Grahn, Dina I. Drubach, Kendall H. Lee & Igor A. Lavrov - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Igor Lavrov and Larisa Maksimova, problems in set theory, mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms, edited by Giovanna Corsi, translated by Valentin Shehtman, kluwer academic/plenum publishers, new York, 2003, US$141.00, pp. XI + 282, ISBN 0-306-47712-2, hardbound. [REVIEW]Ewa Palka - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (2):283-292.
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    Book review: Igor Lavrov, Larisa Maksimova, problems in set theory, mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms, edited by Giovanna Corsi, kluwer academic / plenum publishers, 2003, us$141.00, pp. XII + 282, isbn 0-306-47712-2, hardbound. [REVIEW]Elliott Mendelson - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (3):409-410.
  8. Formal Methods in the Philosophy of Science.Leon Horsten & Igor Douven - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (2):151-162.
    In this article, we reflect on the use of formal methods in the philosophy of science. These are taken to comprise not just methods from logic broadly conceived, but also from other formal disciplines such as probability theory, game theory, and graph theory. We explain how formal modelling in the philosophy of science can shed light on difficult problems in this domain.
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  9. Bovens and Hartmann on coherence.Wouter Meijs & Igor Douven - 2005 - Mind 114 (454):355-363.
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    Inquisitive Propositional Dynamic Logic.Vít Punčochář & Igor Sedlár - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (1):91-116.
    This paper combines propositional dynamic logic ) with propositional inquisitive logic ). The result of this combination is a logical system \ that conservatively extends both \ and \, and, moreover, allows for an interaction of the question-forming operator from \ with the structured modalities from \. We study this system from a semantic as well as a syntactic point of view. These two perspectives are linked via a completeness proof, which also shows that \ is decidable.
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    Comparison of Brain Activity Correlating with Self-Report versus Narrative Attachment Measures during Conscious Appraisal of an Attachment Figure.Zimri S. Yaseen, Xian Zhang, J. Christopher Muran, Arnold Winston & Igor I. Galynker - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  12. Knowledge and Approximate Knowledge.Lieven Decock, Igor Douven, Christoph Kelp & Sylvia Wenmackers - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (6):1129-1150.
    Traditionally, epistemologists have held that only truth-related factors matter in the question of whether a subject can be said to know a proposition. Various philosophers have recently departed from this doctrine by claiming that the answer to this question also depends on practical concerns. They take this move to be warranted by the fact that people’s knowledge attributions appear sensitive to contextual variation, in particular variation due to differing stakes. This paper proposes an alternative explanation of the aforementioned fact, one (...)
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    Ėstetika chelovecheskoĭ sredy: VIII Ovsi︠a︡nnikovskai︠a︡ mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ ėsteticheskai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ (OMĖK VIII).Sergeĭ Anatolʹevich Dzikevich & Evgeniĭ Andreevich Kondratʹev (eds.) - 2017 - [Moskva]: Izdatelʹskie reshenii︠a︡ po lit︠s︡enzii Ridero.
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    Distinguishing Characteristics of Corruption Risks in Iranian Construction Projects: A Weighted Correlation Network Analysis.M. Reza Hosseini, Igor Martek, Saeed Banihashemi, Albert P. C. Chan, Amos Darko & Mahdi Tahmasebi - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):205-231.
    The construction industry consistently ranks amongst the highest contributors to global gross domestic product, as well as, amongst the most corrupt. Corruption therefore inflicts significant risk on construction activities, and overall economic development. These facts are widely known, but the various sources and nature of corruption risks endemic to the Iranian construction industry, along with the degree to which such risks manifest, and the strength of their impact, remain undescribed. To address the gap, a mixed methods approach is used; with (...)
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  15. Modeling in Economics and in the Theory of Consciousness on the Basis of Generalized Measurements.Sergiy Melnyk & Igor Tuluzov - 2014 - Neuroquantology 12 (2).
  16. Manifestation of Quantum Mechanical Properties of a Proprietor’s Consciousness in Slit Measurements of Economic Systems.Sergiy Melnyk & Igor Tuluzov - 2014 - Neuroquantology 12 (3).
    The present paper discusses the problem of quantum-mechanical properties of a subject’s consciousness. The model of generalized economic measurements is used for the analysis. Two types of such measurements are analyzed – transactions and technologies. Algebraic ratios between the technology-type measurements allow making their analogy with slit experiments in physics. It has been shown that the description of results of such measurements is possible both in classical and in quantum formalism of calculation of probabilities. Thus, the quantum-mechanical formalism of the (...)
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    Présentation du numéro. De la philosophie à la littérature, et retour.Olivier Dubouclez & Igor Krtolica - 2023 - Philosophie 158 (3):3-13.
    Michel Tournier was a philosopher before being a novelist. And even when he decided to become a novelist, he introduced himself as a « smuggler of philosophy ». But it is impossible to take full measure of this statement without considering the one and only philosophical text he ever published, in 1946: « L’Impersonnalisme ». This article, which he considered to be his « system of the world », is here presented in its historical and philosophical context.
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    Peuple et république à l’aube de l’humanisme : sur l’inconscient politique de Leonardo Bruni.E. Igor Mineo - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    Through the analysis of certain aspects of Leonardo Bruni’s language, and in particular his use of “popolo” and “res publica”, we strive to understand the extent to which the politics of the early humanists remained rooted in the recent past of the City of Florence, despite the obvious ideological innovations (and without considering those of a stylistic and literary nature). Bruni seems to have inherited the primacy and unity of the Florentine people directly from the discourses of the 14th-century jurists. (...)
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    Conservative Extension in Relevant Arithmetic.Robert K. Meyer & Igor Urbas - 1986 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 32 (1-5):45-50.
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    Contextual Realism and the Real Meaning of Quantum Mechanics.Francois-Igor Pris - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):136.
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    Tourism in a region: new development opportunities.Tatyana Melnikova & Igor Shevchuk - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 5:65-77.
    Introduction. Modern times are characterized by independence from financial support for travel due to introducing an ordinary region with its daily surrounding into tourist circulation, focusing not on distance, but on the depth of emotions when choosing a place to visit. The aim of the study is to assess the factors of transforming the tourist environment in a region, which might result in a number of challenges for managing the regional development. Methods. In the framework of the study, both general (...)
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    Antonioni e as figuras do tempo.Solange Puntel Mostafa & Igor Soares Amorim - 2018 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 5 (1):102-119.
    Explora as noções deleuzinas sobre o cinema e problematiza elementos relacionados a indexação de filmes. Aprofunda as questões cinematográficas trabalhadas por Deleuze, que concebe dois principais regimes de imagens, compreendidos no cinema clássico e no cinema moderno. O cinema clássico é fundado na imagem-movimento, a qual submete o tempo à ação, já o cinema moderno, caracteriza-se pela imagem-tempo, a qual desvincula tempo e movimento e revela situações óticas e sonoras puras. Analisa o problema do tempo em três filmes dirigidos por (...)
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    Tolerating the “doubting Thomas”: how centrality of religious beliefs vs. practices influences prejudice against atheists.Jeffrey Hughes, Igor Grossmann & Adam B. Cohen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Niilismo e decadência.Samuel Mendonça & Igor Hideo Kato da Silva - 2010 - Filosofia E Educação 2 (2):p - 523.
    Em O Niilismo, Volpi Franco discorre sobre a história do niilismo e problematiza temas contemporâneos como o fim da história, o relativismo e o ceticismo.
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    Razlichenie i opyt: fenomenologii︠a︡ neagressivnogo soznanii︠a︡.Viktor Igorʹevich Molchanov - 2004 - Moskva: Modest Kolerov & Tri kvadrata.
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    Filosofia e Discurso na Ciência da Informação: tessitura de encontros.Solange Puntel Mostafa, Igor Soares Amorim & Lucília Maria Abrahão E. Sousa - 2014 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 1 (1):6-19.
    Aborda o conceito filosófico de rizoma na teorização de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari para desfazer mal entendidos na literatura recente de Ciência da Informação. Explana a dinâmica de criação conceitual na Filosofia e na Ciência, entendendo-as como movimentos entre o virtual e o atual. Em seguida aborda o deslizamento de planos entre Filosofia, Arte e Ciência para ser possível compreender a absorção do conceito filosófico de rizoma pela Ciência da Informação. Apresenta a organização e fluxo da informação pensados inicialmente (...)
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    Fine-tuning transformers: Vocabulary transfer.Vladislav Mosin, Igor Samenko, Borislav Kozlovskii, Alexey Tikhonov & Ivan P. Yamshchikov - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 317 (C):103860.
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    Materialidade Simondoniana e a Questão da Informação.Solange Puntel Mostafa & Igor Soares Amorim - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (1):27-45.
    A noção de informação cristalizou-se na área sob uma perspectiva da Teoria Matemática da Informação, sob o enfoque da comunicação, todavia, essa não é a única semântica possível. Gilbert Simondon utiliza o conceito de informação como elemento envolvido no processo de individuação. Em diálogo com a filosofia de Deleuze e as contribuições do pesquisador Faucher este ensaio explora a ontologia de Simondon a fim que recolocar o conceito de informação à Ciência da Informação. Para Simondon não há indivíduo físico, biológico, (...)
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  29. Uniqueness revisited.Igor Douven - 2009 - American Philosophical Quarterly 46 (4):347 - 361.
    Various authors have recently argued that you cannot rationally stick to your belief in the face of known disagreement with an epistemic peer, that is, a person you take to have the same evidence and judgmental skills as you do. For, they claim, because there is but one rational response to any body of evidence, a disagreement with an epistemic peer indicates that at least one of you is not responding rationally to the evidence. Given that you take your peer (...)
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  30. I︠A︡ko s nami Bog.S. Lavrov - 1994 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ Svi︠a︡to-Danilov stavropigialʹnyĭ muzhskoĭ monastyrʹ.
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  31. Teorii︠a︡ gosudarstva i prava. Mokichev, Konstantin Andreevich, [From Old Catalog] & Abram Matveevich Aĭzenberg (eds.) - 1970 - Moskva,:
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  32. Kant and Frege on analyticity.Igor Sedlar - 2007 - Filozofia 62 (4):336-347.
    The question, whether there is a sharp difference between an analytic and a synthetic proposition, is one of the famous philosophical topics of the 20th century. The question, however, urges one to ask following questions: "What is an analytic proposition?", or „What is a synthetic proposition?“. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the discussions of the analyticity in that it tries to answer the first of the two. However, the author does not offer his own conception of (...)
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    The art of abduction.Igor Douven - 2022 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
    A defense of the rationality of adductive inference from the criticisms of Bayesian theorists.
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  34. Conditionals and inferential connections: A hypothetical inferential theory.Igor Douven, Shira Elqayam, Henrik Singmann & Janneke van Wijngaarden-Huitink - 2018 - Cognitive Psychology 101:50-81.
  35. The Pragmatics of Belief.Igor Douven - 2010 - Journal of Pragmatics 42 (1):35-47.
    This paper argues that pragmatic considerations similar to the ones that Grice has shown pertain to assertability pertain to acceptability. It further shows how this should affect some widely held epistemic principles. The idea of a pragmatics of belief is defended against some seemingly obvious objections.
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    Patriotism.Igor Primoratz - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  37. Assertion, knowledge, and rational credibility.Igor Douven - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (4):449-485.
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    Justifications, awareness and epistemic dynamics.Igor Sedlár - 2013 - In Sergei Artemov & Anil Nerode (eds.), Logical Foundations of Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7734). Springer. pp. 307-318.
    The paper introduces a new kind of models for the logic of proofs LP, the group justification models. While being an elaboration of Fitting models, the group justification models are a special case of the models of general awareness. Soundness and completeness results of LP with respect to the new semantics are established. The paper also offers an interpretation of the group models, which pertains to awareness and group epistemic dynamics.
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  39. Problema t︠s︡elostnosti v marksistskoĭ filosofii.Igorʹ Viktorovich Blauberg - 1963 - Moskva,: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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    Filozofija i tehnika.Igor Čatić (ed.) - 2003 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    Građenje jedne kontrainstitucije: istorija Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju.Igor Cvejić - 2019 - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Univerzitet u Beogradu. Edited by Olga Nikolić & Michal Sládeček.
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  42. Liberating Education: What From, What For?Igor Cvejić, Predrag Krstić, Nataša Lacković & Olga Nikolić (eds.) - 2021 - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade.
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    Democracy with(out) nations?: old and new foundations for political communities in a changing world.Igor Filibi, Noé Cornago & Justin Orlando Frosini (eds.) - 2011 - [Leioa, Biscay]: Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua.
  44. Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari: une philosophie des devenirs-révolutionnaires.Igor Krtolica - 2024 - Paris: Éditions Amsterdam.
    L'œuvre de Deleuze et Guattari est une philosophie des devenirs-révolutionnaires, qui est à la fois ancrée dans son époque et en rupture avec elle. Dans L'Anti-Œdipe et Mille plateaux, Deleuze et Guattari veulent en effet : théoriser le potentiel révolutionnaire qui s'est manifesté en Mai 68 et qui a rouvert les possibles dans l'histoire, par une combinaison originale de révolution sociale et de révolution désirante (théorie des minorités) ; analyser les conditions qui ont permis le retournement de ce moment révolutionnaire (...)
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  45. Istorijska pisma.P. L. Lavrov & Latinka Peroviâc - 2000 - Podgorica: Cid. Edited by Latinka Perović.
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  46. Sovremennyi︠a︡ ucheni︠̄a︡ o nravstvennosti i ei︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡.Petr Lavrovich Lavrov - 1903
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  47. V poiskakh istiny.A. S. Lavrov - 1940 - Paris : Les Éditeurs réunis,:
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  48. Туристична оцінка історико-культурного потенціалу замкових споруд івано-франківської області.Igor Lysyi - 2015 - Схід 7 (139):25-29.
    The article is based on own methods of tourist estimation of historical and cultural potential of castle buildings in the Ivano-Frankivsk region to determine their level of attractiveness and prospects for needs of tourism and recreation industry. In the Ivano-Frankivsk region are five castles: in Halych Mariiampil, Rakovets, Chernelytsia and Pniv, which have great historical and cultural potential and all of these buildings can be used for the tourist adaptation. Criteria of the tourist estimation of potential of castle complexes are (...)
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    Analogii͡a V Tekhnicheskom Tvorchestve.Igorʹ Petrovich Mamykin - 1972 - "Nauka I Tekhnika".
  50. Binarno-teatralne transformacje w kulturze ukraińskiej.Igor K. Mojsejiw - 1998 - Colloquia Communia 68 (1):51-58.
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